How to create concept stock photography that sells (during the lockdown)

I am writing this article in the midst of the quarantine imposed by my country (Italy) due to the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus.
Yesterday, I wanted to make a conceptual photo to represent the closure of the cities of my country, with the prospect that soon other European countries would presumably have taken the same direction, which then happened in the evening in France and Spain and, partially, today in the USA.

The idea was to create an image that did not describe the situation in a specific country, so that it could be purchased anywhere in the world.
Of course, given the quarantine restrictions, I did not have the opportunity to go out and shoot for the occasion and, after careful research on my computer's hard disk, I found this photo taken in 2011 in London.

The photo is rather ugly and meaningless, but it has the perfect characteristics for my need today: to show a public place and normally very popular, completely empty.

During the first days of the quarantine, the feelings that I felt most when I saw the streets and squares completely empty, were restlessness and bewilderment.
To try to convey these feelings within the photo, I decided to make the two halves of the image perfectly symmetrical.
This was the result, after some small corrections made with the clone stamp tool.

Finally to concretely represent the image of a closed park I made a safety tape using only the word coronavirus, which is used in the same way all over the world to represent this disease, to ensure that, as said at the beginning of the article, the photo had greater sales potential.
And this is the end result, with some small adjustments in colors, contrast and saturation.

The photo was uploaded to the various microstock agencies on March 14 and approved at about the same time around March 16, the day from which it was downloaded (this data does not include iStock, which shows the download statistics the following month ), 37 times.

Update: this photo become one of my best "quarantine" seller. If you'd like to see what the others are you can check the post: 15 best selling stock photos taken at home during lockdown
