The news sector will never go into saturation in stock photography
I have been dealing with stock photography for about two years now and, reading on the various industry forums, the common feeling is that the microstock market is now saturated.This sentiment, in part, can also have a basis of truthfulness, but it does not, wrongly, take into account a huge slice of the ever-evolving market that is given by the world of news.
Read news sites around the world to find profitable stock photography niches
I write this article while the world is becoming aware of the danger of the coronavirus covid-19 which is affecting more and more countries in the world, so much so that it has been officially classified as a pandemic.In the wake of news related to the virus, a great opportunity has opened up in the field of microstock, obviously linked, not so much to the classic images from the medical and health category (which in any case will certainly have undergone an increase in sales), but to those directly related to the virus itself and its impacts on people, the economy and the distorted habits of the population across the world.
I have made some series of photographs, starting from January, when the outbreak of the infection was limited to practically China alone and I must say that sales in the short term turned out to be well above expectations.
Unfortunately, the virus then spread across the world, and this, seen from a purely work point of view, further widened the working possibilities of us stock photographers.
I write from Italy, which is currently the second most affected country in the world by the pandemic and, without speculating on the health side of the news, I have succeeded and I am still creating some series of photos related to the topic, which have started to sell from immediately with a certain constancy.
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